Depression has been sitting heavily on me and there has been medication, time off work and EMDR sessions with the psychologist. Nothing quite like sitting with your very worst emotional memories.
Fuseli's The Nightmare, via Wikipedia
Exhausting and emotionally draining. Bibiliotherapy in the form of different texts (some extremely confronting, possible only in small doses with my head in the right place - else I spiral downwards yet again), and also much fiction. Because I keep coming back to the fact that all writing is about the human condition, and I'm driven by the need to understand, so I'm going through stories that deal with abandonment, with not feeling good enough despite all evidence to the contrary, with learning how to interact with others, with redemption, with change, with growth. So I am (painfully and) slowly teasing out past and present behaviours and patterns in the hope that next time depression bites (and it will), it will not be as savage, nor take as long to dislodge.
Shifting (EMDR)
The transformation
takes time.
It’s not smooth,
or simple, or logical,
turbulence as
memories (forms) are consciously revisited
Then awareness of
a slow settling
(changing sinews
and muscles)
as basic
structures re-form.
No shape shifts
without structural change.
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